
journeying the unknown

psychedelice offers individual guided tours into the Mexican Highlands of Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre del Sur.


Whether out burned or imbalanced by life’s hardships or unpredictability, turmoiled by ethnical alienation, political radicalization or social transformation, psychedelice can help craft your soul into a lasting stronghold.

personal growth

The journey

has been designed for all individuals advocating life’s marvel and the divine but whose souls show signs of neglect and stagnation.

personal growth

The journey

is tailor-made for individuals gifted with an exponential mindset that aims out-of-the-box, however remains prisoner of routine.

personal growth

The journey

has the potential to revolutionise personal growth and the ability to paradigmatic change in decision-making, enabling the protagonist to fight more effectively the magnitude and complexity of today’s life-challenging threats in professional and private life.

personal growth

The journey

is intended for the healthy and wealthy normal with a profound sense for the uncommon and mystical.